I Added A Global Atom Feed To My Website

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after like, two weeks of fucking about, i have made an atom feed that works for my whole site!

i also added a proper <link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml"> element to the root page template, so you should just be able to add echowritescode.dev to your reader of choice and it should work.

it shouldn't have been this difficult, but due to the way i built web-pylon around "lists" and "pages", it was difficult to ask for "every post on the site" from the backend. now, a "feed" is its own first-class kind of thing; you can ask for a feed for a single list or for the whole site, and i'm planning to add custom feeds using arbitrary collections of tags (e.g. https://echowritescode.dev/list/blog+articles/atom.xml).

also, i decided that, since the blog is supposed to be a more chill place than my more formal work, i'm going to post in lowercase like i did on cohost. like this!

one last thing: you can also find me on the website league at @ysaie@posting.isincredibly.gay.

hope you are all having a lovely week, cuties 💜 talk to you later!